How to Download, Install and Configure Bluestacks on Windows(XP/7/8) or Mac

Bluestacks is a android emulator software which support to run Android apps and Android games on PC, Laptop, Desktop on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, or mac. Bulestacks is very easy to download and install and run your favorite android apps and android games on your PC with dual OS. Follow some steps to download and Install Bluestacks free
Follow the  6 easy steps to download and install Bluestacks for Windows(XP/7/8) or mac.

Downloading and installing bluestacks

Step 1 - Download bluestack. Click here to Download bluestack  for windows OS download windows version if you have mac OS then download mac version.

Step 2 - Run exe FILE After downloading run the executable file for installing bluestacks.

Step 3 - Continue installation.  Click Run button to install and click next button to continue installation.

Step 4 - Select check box options you want to install.

Step 5 - Wait for a while Completing bluestacks installation then it will be ready to run Android apps and Games on your PC

Configure the bluestacks

1) Run first time bluestack. Your are running first time bluestacks for the very first time it will ask you whether to enable app store or not. Any way you have to enable it.
3) Enable with Google account . if you have google account then provide it or you have to create a new google account and give the detail. It is necessary to run google apps on bluestacks you have to attach your Google account with bluestacks because it will help you to download apps from Google play.
4) Synchronize Google account with app store. After that click on 1 click sync setupwhich is under My Apps tab and follow the instructions it give you to synchronize your Google account with app store.
It's time to run Android apps  and Android Games on your Computer (Desktop or Laptop) through  bluestacks. Enjoy Android apps and Android Games on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and mac 
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